.. _ref_api_result_object: **************** ``Result`` class **************** The :class:`Result ` class provides access to different types of result data. This code shows how you can access result data for displacements, stresses, and elastic strains: .. code:: python >>> from ansys.dpf import post >>> from ansys.dpf.post import examples >>> solution = post.load_solution(examples.multishells_rst) Displacement result object >>> displacement = solution.displacement() Stress result object >>> stress = solution.stress() Elastic strain result object >>> elastic_strain = solution.elastic_strain() DPF-Post features separate ``Result`` classes for each supported result type. For information on the available types and their interfaces, see :ref:`user_guide_accessing_results`. .. currentmodule:: ansys.dpf.post .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary result_object.Result displacement.Displacement electric_results.ElectricField electric_results.ElectricPotential misc_results.MecanicMisc strain.ElasticStrain strain.PlasticStrain stress.Stress temperature.HeatFlux temperature.StructuralTemperature temperature.Temperature