This module contains the displacement result class.


Defines the complex displacement object, which is a vector object.


Check if the result contains complex frequencies.


True if the result contains complex frequencies, False otherwise.

property norm#

Result data for the norm of the vector.

property norm_amplitude#

Result data for the amplitude of the norm of the vector.

norm_at_phase(phase: float)#

Result data for the norm of the vector at a specific phase.

property vector#

Result data for the vector values.

property vector_amplitude#

Result data for the vector amplitude values.

vector_at_phase(phase: float)#

Result data for the vector values at a specific phase.

property x#

Result data for the X component of the vector.

property x_amplitude#

Result data for the X component amplitude of the vector.

x_at_phase(phase: float)#

Result data for the X component at a specific phase.

property y#

Result data for the Y component of the vector.

property y_amplitude#

Result data for the Y component amplitude of the vector.

y_at_phase(phase: float)#

Result data for the Y component at a specific phase.

property z#

Result data for the Z component of the vector.

property z_amplitude#

Result data for the Z component amplitude of the vector.

z_at_phase(phase: float)#

Result data for the Z component at a specific phase.


Defines the displacement object, which is a vector object.


Check if the result contains complex frequencies.


True if the result contains complex frequencies, False otherwise.

property norm#

Result data for the norm of the vector.

property vector#

Result data for the vector values.

property x#

Result data for the X component of the vector.

property y#

Result data for the Y component of the vector.

property z#

Result data for the Z component of the vector.