.. _contributing: ========== Contribute ========== Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys repository appears in `Contribute `_ in the *PyAnsys Developer's Guide*. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with this guide, paying particular attention to `Guidelines and Best Practices `_, before attempting to contribute to PyDPF-Post. The following contribution information is specific to PyDPF-Post. Clone the repository -------------------- To clone and install the latest version of PyDPF-Core in development mode, run: .. include:: pydpf-post_clone_install.rst Post issues ----------- Use the `PyDPF-Post Issues `_ page to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features. To reach the project support team, email `pyansys.core@ansys.com `_. View documentation ------------------ Documentation for the latest stable release of PyDPF-Post is hosted at `PyDPF Documentation `_. In the upper right corner of the documentation's title bar, there is an option for switching from viewing the documentation for the latest stable release to viewing the documentation for the development version or previously released versions.