Module containing the ModalMechanicalSimulation class.


class PathLike | str | DataSources, server: BaseServer | None = None)#

Provides methods for mechanical modal simulations.

displacement(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract displacement results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements whose nodes to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.ModalMechanicalSimulation(examples.download_modal_frame())
>>> # Extract the displacement field for the first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement()
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (mm)
             set_ids           1
 node_ids components
      367          X -2.9441e-01
                   Y  1.2397e+00
                   Z  5.1160e-01
      509          X -3.4043e-01
                   Y  1.8414e+00
                   Z  3.4187e-01
      ...        ...         ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field for the first two modes
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(modes=[1, 2])
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (mm)
             set_ids           1           2
 node_ids components
      367          X -2.9441e-01  1.7382e+00
                   Y  1.2397e+00  5.4243e-01
                   Z  5.1160e-01 -4.2969e-01
      509          X -3.4043e-01  2.4632e+00
                   Y  1.8414e+00  7.5043e-01
                   Z  3.4187e-01 -2.7130e-01
      ...        ...         ...         ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field for all modes
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(all_sets=True)
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (mm)
             set_ids           1           2           3           4           5           6
 node_ids components
      367          X -2.9441e-01  1.7382e+00 -1.0401e-01 -3.6455e-01  2.8577e+00 -6.7501e-01
                   Y  1.2397e+00  5.4243e-01  1.9069e+00  2.1373e+00 -5.0887e-02 -1.0978e+00
                   Z  5.1160e-01 -4.2969e-01  6.5813e-01  6.7056e-01 -8.8191e-01 -1.4610e-01
      509          X -3.4043e-01  2.4632e+00 -3.1666e-01 -3.1348e-01  3.9674e+00 -5.1783e-01
                   Y  1.8414e+00  7.5043e-01  2.5367e+00  3.0538e+00 -6.2025e-02 -1.1483e+00
                   Z  3.4187e-01 -2.7130e-01  4.4146e-01  3.9606e-01 -5.0972e-01 -1.1397e-01
      ...        ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...
>>> # Extract the norm of the displacement field for the first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(norm=True)
>>> print(displacement)  
  results   U_N (mm)
  set_ids          1
      367 1.3730e+00
      509 1.9036e+00
      428 1.0166e+00
      510 1.0461e+00
     3442 1.6226e+00
     3755 1.4089e+00
      ...        ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field along X for the first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(components=["X"])
>>> print(displacement)  
  results    U_X (mm)
  set_ids           1
      367 -2.9441e-01
      509 -3.4043e-01
      428 -1.1434e-01
      510 -2.0561e-01
     3442 -3.1765e-01
     3755 -2.2155e-01
      ...         ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field at nodes 23 and 24 for the first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(node_ids=[23, 24])
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (mm)
             set_ids           1
node_ids  components
      23           X -0.0000e+00
                   Y -0.0000e+00
                   Z -0.0000e+00
      24           X  2.8739e-02
                   Y  1.3243e-01
                   Z  1.4795e-01
>>> # Extract the displacement field at nodes of element 40 for the first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(element_ids=[40])
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (mm)
             set_ids           1
 node_ids components
      344          X -2.0812e-01
                   Y  1.1289e+00
                   Z  3.5111e-01
      510          X -2.0561e-01
                   Y  9.8847e-01
                   Z  2.7365e-01
      ...        ...         ...
>>> # For cyclic results
>>> simulation = post.ModalMechanicalSimulation(examples.find_simple_cyclic())
>>> # Extract the displacement field with cyclic expansion on all sectors at first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(expand_cyclic=True)
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (m)
             set_ids          1
 node_ids components
        1          X 1.7611e-13
                   Y 8.5207e+01
                   Z 3.1717e-12
       52          X 2.3620e-12
                   Y 8.5207e+01
                   Z 2.1160e-12
      ...        ...        ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field without cyclic expansion at first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(expand_cyclic=False)
>>> print(displacement)  
              results       U (m)
              set_ids           1
          base_sector           1
 node_ids  components
        1           X  4.9812e-13
                    Y  2.4100e+02
                    Z  8.9709e-12
       14           X -1.9511e-12
                    Y  1.9261e+02
                    Z  5.0359e-12
      ...         ...         ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field with cyclic expansion on selected sectors at first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(expand_cyclic=[1, 2, 3])
>>> print(displacement)  
             results      U (m)
             set_ids          1
 node_ids components
        1          X 1.7611e-13
                   Y 8.5207e+01
                   Z 3.1717e-12
       52          X 2.3620e-12
                   Y 8.5207e+01
                   Z 2.1160e-12
      ...        ...        ...
>>> # For multi-stage cyclic results
>>> simulation = post.ModalMechanicalSimulation(
...     examples.download_multi_stage_cyclic_result()
... )
>>> # Extract the displacement field with cyclic expansion on the first four sectors of the
>>> # first stage at first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(expand_cyclic=[1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> print(displacement)  
             results       U (m)
             set_ids           1
 node_ids components
     1376          X  4.3586e-02
                   Y -3.0071e-02
                   Z -9.4850e-05
     4971          X  4.7836e-02
                   Y  2.2711e-02
                   Z -9.4850e-05
      ...        ...         ...
>>> # Extract the displacement field with cyclic expansion on the first two sectors of both
>>> # stages at first mode
>>> displacement = simulation.displacement(expand_cyclic=[[1, 2], [1, 2]])
>>> print(displacement)  
             results       U (m)
             set_ids           1
 node_ids components
     1376          X  4.3586e-02
                   Y -3.0071e-02
                   Z -9.4850e-05
     4971          X  4.7836e-02
                   Y  2.2711e-02
                   Z -9.4850e-05
      ...        ...         ...
stress(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_principal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: List[str] | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract principal stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[List[str], List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_principal_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: List[str] | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental principal stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[List[str], List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_principal_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: List[str] | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal principal stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[List[str], List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_eqv_von_mises(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract equivalent von Mises stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_eqv_von_mises_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental equivalent von Mises stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

stress_eqv_von_mises_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal equivalent von Mises stress results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_principal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract principal elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_principal_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal principal elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_principal_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental principal elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_eqv_von_mises(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract equivalent von Mises elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_eqv_von_mises_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental equivalent von Mises elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elastic_strain_eqv_von_mises_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal equivalent von Mises elastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_state_variable(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract plastic state variable results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_state_variable_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental plastic state variable results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_state_variable_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal plastic state variable results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “XX”, “XY”, “XZ”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_principal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract principal plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_principal_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal principal plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_principal_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental principal plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are: 1, 2, and 3.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_eqv(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract equivalent plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_eqv_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal equivalent plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

plastic_strain_eqv_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental equivalent plastic strain results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

reaction_force(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract reaction force results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elemental_volume(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental volume results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

elemental_mass(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental mass results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_centroids(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract element centroids results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

thickness(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract element thickness results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_orientations(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental nodal element orientations results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_orientations_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract elemental element orientations results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_orientations_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal element orientations results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

hydrostatic_pressure(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract hydrostatic pressure element nodal results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

hydrostatic_pressure_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract hydrostatic pressure nodal results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

hydrostatic_pressure_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract hydrostatic pressure elemental results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_nodal_forces(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, location: locations | str = 'ElementalNodal', set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract element nodal forces results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • location (Union[locations, str], default: 'ElementalNodal') – Location to extract results at. Available locations are listed in class:post.locations and are: post.locations.nodal, post.locations.elemental, and post.locations.elemental_nodal. Using the default post.locations.elemental_nodal results in a value for every node at each element. Similarly, using post.locations.elemental gives results with one value for each element, while using post.locations.nodal gives results with one value for each node.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_nodal_forces_nodal(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract element nodal forces nodal results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

element_nodal_forces_elemental(element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract element nodal forces elemental results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, and element_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

nodal_force(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal force results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements whose nodes to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

nodal_moment(node_ids: List[int] | None = None, element_ids: List[int] | None = None, frequencies: float | List[float] | None = None, components: str | List[str] | int | List[int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, modes: int | List[int] | None = None, named_selections: List[str] | str | None = None, selection: Selection | None = None, set_ids: int | List[int] | None = None, all_sets: bool = False, expand_cyclic: bool | List[int | List[int]] = True, phase_angle_cyclic: float | None = None, external_layer: bool | List[int] = False, skin: bool | List[int] = False)#

Extract nodal moment results from the simulation.

Arguments selection, set_ids, all_sets, frequencies, and modes are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, only the first mode will be returned.

Arguments selection, named_selections, element_ids, and node_ids are mutually exclusive. If none of the above is given, results will be extracted for the whole mesh.

  • node_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of nodes to get results for.

  • element_ids (Optional[List[int]], default: None) – List of IDs of elements whose nodes to get results for.

  • frequencies (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`float, List[float]]], default: None) – Frequency value or list of frequency values to get results for.

  • components (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`str, List[str], int, List[int]]], default: None) – Components to get results for. Available components are “X”, “Y”, “Z”, and their respective equivalents 1, 2, 3.

  • norm (bool, default: False) – Whether to return the norm of the results.

  • modes (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Mode number or list of mode numbers to get results for.

  • named_selections (Optional[List[str], str]], default: None) – Named selection or list of named selections to get results for.

  • selection (Optional[Selection], default: None) – Selection to get results for. A Selection defines both spatial and time-like criteria for filtering.

  • set_ids (Optional[Union`[:py:class:`int, List[int]]], default: None) – Sets to get results for. Equivalent to modes. Common to all simulation types for easier scripting.

  • all_sets (bool, default: False) – Whether to get results for all sets/modes.

  • expand_cyclic (Union[bool, List[Union[int, List[int]]]], default: True) – For cyclic problems, whether to expand the sectors. Can take a list of sector numbers to select specific sectors to expand (one-based indexing). If the problem is multi-stage, can take a list of lists of sector numbers, ordered by stage.

  • phase_angle_cyclic (Optional[float], default: None) – For cyclic problems, phase angle to apply (in degrees).

  • external_layer (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the external layer (last layer of solid elements under the skin) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the external layer is computed over list of elements.

  • skin (Union[bool, List[int]], default: False) – Select the skin (creates new 2D elements connecting the external nodes) of the mesh for plotting and data extraction. If a list is passed, the skin is computed over list of elements (not supported for cyclic symmetry). Getting the skin on more than one result (several time freq sets, split data…) is only supported starting with Ansys 2023R2.

Return type:

Returns a instance.

property active_selection: Selection | None#

Active selection used by default for result queries.

Returns a :object:`` object.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> selection = post.selection.Selection()
>>> simulation.active_selection = selection
>>> print(simulation.active_selection) 
< object at ...>

Deactivate the currently active selection.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> selection = post.selection.Selection()
>>> simulation.active_selection = selection
>>> print(simulation.active_selection) 
< object at ...>
>>> simulation.deactivate_selection()
>>> print(simulation.active_selection) 
property geometries#

List of constructed geometries in the simulation.

Returns a list of geometry objects.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> print(simulation.geometries) 
property mesh: Mesh#

Mesh representation of the model.

Returns a object.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> print(simulation.mesh) 
    DPF  Mesh:
      81 nodes
      8 elements
      Unit: m
      With solid (3D) elements
property named_selections: List[str]#

List of named selections in the simulation.

Returns a list of named selections names.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> print(simulation.named_selections) 
plot(mesh: bool = True, constructed_geometries: bool = True, loads: bool = True, boundary_conditions: bool = True, **kwargs)#

General plot of the simulation object.

Plots by default the complete mesh contained in the simulation, as well as a representation of the constructed geometry, the loads, and the boundary conditions currently defined. Each representation can be deactivated with its respective boolean argument.

  • mesh (bool, default: True) – Whether to plot the mesh representation.

  • constructed_geometries (bool, default: True) – Whether to plot the constructed geometries.

  • loads (bool, default: True) – Whether to plot the loads.

  • boundary_conditions (bool, default: True) – Whether to plot the boundary conditions.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for the plotter. More information are available at pyvista.plot().


Returns a plotter instance of the active visualization backend.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> simulation.plot() 

Release the streams to data files if any is active.

property result_info#

Return information concerning the available results.

property results: List[AvailableResult]#

Available results.

Returns a list of available results.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> simulation = post.load_simulation(examples.static_rst)
>>> print(simulation.results) 
property set_ids: List#

Returns the list of set IDs available in the simulation.

split_mesh_by_properties(properties: List[elemental_properties] | Dict[elemental_properties, int | List[int]])#

Splits the simulation Mesh according to properties and returns it as Meshes.


properties (Union[List[elemental_properties], Dict[elemental_properties, Union[int, List[int]]]]) – Elemental properties to split the global mesh by. Returns all meshes if a list, or returns only meshes for certain elemental property values if a dict with elemental properties labels with associated value or list of values.

Return type:

A Meshes entity with resulting meshes.


>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import elemental_properties
>>> from import examples
>>> example_path = examples.download_all_kinds_of_complexity()
>>> simulation = post.StaticMechanicalSimulation(example_path)
>>> # Split by elemental properties and get all resulting meshes
>>> meshes_split = simulation.split_mesh_by_properties(
...     properties=[elemental_properties.material,
...                 elemental_properties.element_shape]
... )
>>> # Split by elemental properties and only get meshes for certain property values
>>> # Here: split by material and shape, return only for material 1 and shapes 0 and 1
>>> meshes_filtered = simulation.split_mesh_by_properties(
...     properties={elemental_properties.material: 1,
...                 elemental_properties.element_shape: [0, 1]}
... )
property time_freq_support: TimeFreqSupport#

Description of the temporal/frequency analysis of the model.

property units#

Returns the current units used.