Use PyDPF-Core operators#

PyDPF-Post is based on PyDPF-Core, but it is streamlined for postprocessing. Because PyDPF-Post works hand-in-hand with PyDPF-Core, you can use the powerful, scalable operators of PyDPF-Core to facilitate data manipulation and more general data transformations.

PyDPF-Core can access data from Ansys solver result files as well as from third-party file formats. With PyDPF-Core, you can assemble complex workflows from simpler building blocks by chaining them together with operators. The data in DPF is represented by physics-agnostic mathematical quantities described in a self-sufficient entity called a Field.

To show the range of PyDPF-Core and PyDPF-Post capabilities, the following examples show how they work together.

Export to VTK file#

This code shows how to export a fields container to a VTK file using the legacy PyDPF-Post API:

# Instantiate the solution object.

>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> solution = post.load_solution(examples.multishells_rst)

Instantiate a result object. This is a displacement result.

>>> displacement = solution.displacement()

This is the result data (data container).

>>> norm = displacement.norm

Extract the fields_container result from the result data.

>>> fields_container = norm.result_fields_container

Import the DFP-Core API.

>>> from ansys.dpf import core

# Instantiate a dedicated operator

>>> vtk_operator = core.Operator("vtk_export")

Set connections.

>>> vtk_operator.inputs.mesh.connect(solution.mesh)
>>> vtk_operator.inputs.file_path.connect("vtk_example.vtk")
>>> vtk_operator.inputs.fields1.connect(fields_container)

Run the operator.


Export to HDF5 file#

This code shows how to export the same fields container to an HDF5 file with the legacy PyDPF-Post API:

Instantiate the solution object

>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from import examples
>>> solution = post.load_solution(examples.multishells_rst)

Instantiate a result object. This is a displacement result.

>>> displacement = solution.displacement()

This is the result data (data container).

>>> norm = displacement.norm

Extract the fields_container result from the result data.

>>> fields_container = norm.result_fields_container

Import the DPF-Core API.

>>> from ansys.dpf import core

Initialize a dedicated operator.

>>> h5_operator = core.Operator("serialize_to_hdf5")

Set the connection.

>>> h5_operator.inputs.mesh.connect(solution.mesh)
>>> h5_operator.inputs.file_path.connect("hdf5_example.h5")

Evaluate the operator.

>>> h5_operator.eval()