Use basic features#

This example shows how to use basic features of the legacy PyDPF-Post API.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports. This example uses a supplied file that you can get by importing the DPF examples package.

from ansys.dpf import post
from import examples

Get Solution object#

Get the Solution object. This example loads a simple file supplied with PyDPF-Post.

solution = post.load_solution(examples.multishells_rst)

Get mesh and time frequency support#

Get the mesh and time frequency support. The mesh is the support of the model. The time frequency support is the time/frequency representation of the model.

mesh = solution.mesh
time_freq_support = solution.time_freq_support

Get Result object#

Get a Result object from the Solution object. The Result object can be a stress, plastic strain, elastic strain, temperature, or displacement.

stress = solution.stress(location=post.locations.nodal, time_scoping=[1])

# Both ''location'' and ``time_scoping`` are available in the definition of
# the stress result.


element_scoping: list, int or dpf.core.Scoping
grouping: str. Use post.grouping.(...) as helper.
location: str. Use post.locations.(...) as helper.
mapdl_grouping: int. Write 186 to get mapdl_elements solid_186.
named_selection: str. Name of named_selection.
node_scoping: list, int or dpf.core.Scoping
path: DpfPath object that
            contains a list of coordinates,
            e.g. [[0.1, 0.0, 0.0],
            [0.0, 0.1, 0.0]].
set: int
time: float
time_scoping: list, int or dpf.core.Scoping

Stress Tensor object.

Object properties:
 - location   : Nodal
 - time_scoping : [1]

Compute data#

SX subresult

This code gets the SX subresult, which is the stress tensor in the XX direction.

sx = stress.xx
sx_field = sx[0]
sx_data = sx.get_data_at_field(0)
print("Length of the data:", len(sx_data))
print("Maximum Stress Field:\n", sx.max)
print("Maximum data at stress field:", sx.max_data)
print("Maximum SX at Field 0:", sx.get_max_data_at_field(0))
Length of the data: 6854

Maximum Stress Field:
 DPF stress_1.s0 Field
  Location: Nodal
  Unit: Pa
  2 entities
  Data: 1 components and 2 elementary data

  IDs                   data(Pa)
  ------------          ----------
  0                     6.676153e+11

  1                     1.536714e+13

Maximum data at stress field: [6.67615284e+11 1.53671424e+13]
Maximum SX at Field 0: 667615283882.6666

Stress tensor result

This code gets the minimum and maximum stresses at a field for all directions (XX, XY, XZ, XY, YZ, and XZ.

s = stress.tensor
s_field = s[0]
s_data = sx.get_data_at_field(0)
print("Length of the data:", len(s_data))
print("Maximum stress field:\n", s.max)
print("Maximum data at stress field:", s.max_data)
print("Maximum stress tensors at field 0:\n", s.get_max_data_at_field(0))

print("Minimum stress field:\n", s.min)
print("Minimum data at stress field:", s.min_data)
print("Minimum stress tensors at field 0:\n", s.get_min_data_at_field(0))
Length of the data: 6854

Maximum stress field:
 DPF stress_1.s Field
  Location: Nodal
  Unit: Pa
  2 entities
  Data: 6 components and 2 elementary data

  IDs                   data(Pa)
  ------------          ----------
  0                     6.676153e+11   8.744609e+11   4.953944e+11   6.018891e+11   1.103258e+11   1.855802e+11

  1                     1.536714e+13   4.217815e+08   3.782022e+12   2.079505e+11   1.579960e+11   1.099721e+12

Maximum data at stress field: [[6.67615284e+11 8.74460905e+11 4.95394439e+11 6.01889079e+11
  1.10325826e+11 1.85580244e+11]
 [1.53671424e+13 4.21781549e+08 3.78202198e+12 2.07950475e+11
  1.57995981e+11 1.09972131e+12]]
Maximum stress tensors at field 0:
 [6.67615284e+11 8.74460905e+11 4.95394439e+11 6.01889079e+11
 1.10325826e+11 1.85580244e+11]
Minimum stress field:
 DPF stress_1.s Field
  Location: Nodal
  Unit: Pa
  2 entities
  Data: 6 components and 2 elementary data

  IDs                   data(Pa)
  ------------          ----------
  0                     -5.779078e+11  -7.356049e+11  -2.412009e+11  -2.981459e+11  -2.421431e+11  -3.091386e+11

  1                     -1.496015e+13  -2.636956e+08  -3.779456e+12  -3.354327e+11  -1.571902e+11  -9.661232e+11

Minimum data at stress field: [[-5.77907764e+11 -7.35604867e+11 -2.41200931e+11 -2.98145939e+11
  -2.42143056e+11 -3.09138563e+11]
 [-1.49601458e+13 -2.63695614e+08 -3.77945626e+12 -3.35432675e+11
  -1.57190152e+11 -9.66123233e+11]]
Minimum stress tensors at field 0:
 [-5.77907764e+11 -7.35604867e+11 -2.41200931e+11 -2.98145939e+11
 -2.42143056e+11 -3.09138563e+11]

Plot result#

Plot a result by using the plot_contour() method.

00 overview example

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.397 seconds)

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