Explore and manipulate the mesh#

This example shows how to explore and manipulate the mesh to query mesh data such as connectivity tables, element IDs, and element types.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports. This example uses a supplied file that you can get by importing the DPF examples package.

from ansys.dpf import post
from ansys.dpf.post import examples
from ansys.dpf.post.common import elemental_properties

Load result file#

Load the result file in a Simulation object that allows access to the results. The Simulation object must be instantiated with the path for the result file. For example, "C:/Users/user/my_result.rst" on Windows or "/home/user/my_result.rst" on Linux.

example_path = examples.download_harmonic_clamped_pipe()
simulation = post.HarmonicMechanicalSimulation(example_path)

Get mesh and print it#

mesh = simulation.mesh
DPF  Mesh:
  9943 nodes
  5732 elements
  Unit: mm
  With solid (3D) elements, shell (2D) elements, shell (3D) elements

Plot mesh#

Plot the mesh to view the bare mesh of the model.

05 mesh exploration

Get basic information about mesh#

The Mesh object has several properties allowing access to different information.

Get the number of nodes.

print(f"This mesh contains {mesh.num_nodes} nodes")
This mesh contains 9943 nodes

Get the list of node IDs.

print(f"with IDs: {mesh.node_ids}")
with IDs: [   1    2    3 ... 9941 9942 9943]

Get the number of elements.

print(f"This mesh contains {mesh.num_elements} elements")
This mesh contains 5732 elements

Get the list of element IDs.

print(f"with IDs {mesh.element_ids}")
with IDs [3487 3960 1449 ... 8438 8437 8540]

Get the unit of the mesh.

print(f"The mesh is in '{mesh.unit}'")
The mesh is in 'mm'

Get named selections#

The available named selections are given as a dictionary with the names as keys and the actual NamedSelection objects as values.

Print the dictionary to get the available names.

named_selections = mesh.named_selections
NamedSelections dictionary with 4 named selections:
        - 'CLAMP'
        - 'PIPE'
        - 'SCREW'
        - '_FIXEDSU'

Get a specific named selection by using its name as the key.

NamedSelection '_FIXEDSU'
 with DPF  Scoping:
  with Nodal location and 161 entities

Get elements#

Get a list of the elements.

[tet10, ..., point1]

Get a specific element by its ID.

DPF Element 1
        Index:         4239
        Nodes:           20
        Type:         Hex20
        Shape:        Solid

Get a specific element by its index.

element_0 = mesh.elements[0]
DPF Element 3487
        Index:            0
        Nodes:           10
        Type:         Tet10
        Shape:        Solid

Get information about a particular element#

You can request the IDs of the nodes attached to an element.

[3548, 3656, 4099, 3760, 6082, 6650, 6086, 6085, 6647, 7147]

Get the list of the element’s nodes.

[<ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43b0367af0>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43b0365660>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce5662c0>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce567f40>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce566e30>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce5670a0>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce566830>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce5674f0>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce564f10>, <ansys.dpf.core.nodes.Node object at 0x7f43ce566b30>]

Get the number of nodes attached to the element.


Get the type of the element.

Element Type
Enum id (dpf.element_types): element_types.Tet10
Element description: Quadratic 10-nodes Tetrahedron
Element name (short): tet10
Element shape: solid
Number of corner nodes: 4
Number of mid-side nodes: 6
Total number of nodes: 10
Quadratic element: True

Get the shape of the element.


Get element types and materials#

The Mesh object provides access to properties defined on all elements, such as their types or associated materials.

Get the type of all elements.

    results elem_type_id
       3487            0
       3960            0
       1449            0
       3131            0
       3124            0
       3126            0
        ...          ...

Get the materials of all elements.

    results material_id
       3487           1
       3960           1
       1449           1
       3131           1
       3124           1
       3126           1
        ...         ...

Get elemental connectivity#

The elemental connectivity maps elements to connected nodes using either IDs or indexes.

Access the indexes of the connected nodes using an element’s index:

element_to_node_connectivity = mesh.element_to_node_connectivity
[3547, 3655, 4098, 3759, 6081, 6649, 6085, 6084, 6646, 7146]

Access the IDs of the connected nodes using an element’s index:

element_to_node_ids_connectivity = mesh.element_to_node_ids_connectivity
[3548, 3656, 4099, 3760, 6082, 6650, 6086, 6085, 6647, 7147]

Each connectivity object has a by_id property that changes the input from index to ID.

Access the indexes of the connected nodes using an element’s ID.

element_to_node_connectivity_by_id = mesh.element_to_node_connectivity.by_id
[3547, 3655, 4098, 3759, 6081, 6649, 6085, 6084, 6646, 7146]

Access the IDs of the connected nodes using an element’s ID:

element_to_node_ids_connectivity_by_id = mesh.element_to_node_ids_connectivity.by_id
[3548, 3656, 4099, 3760, 6082, 6650, 6086, 6085, 6647, 7147]

Get a node or node information#

Get a node by its ID.

node_1 = mesh.nodes.by_id[1]
Node(id=1, coordinates=[44.90718016, 12.57776697, 53.33333333])

Get a node by its index.

Node(id=1, coordinates=[44.90718016, 12.57776697, 53.33333333])

Get the coordinates of all nodes.

            results  coord (m)
node_ids components
       1          X 4.4907e+01
                  Y 1.2578e+01
                  Z 5.3333e+01
       2          X 4.4907e+01
                  Y 1.2578e+01
                  Z 5.1667e+01
     ...        ...        ...

Get the coordinates of a particular node.

[44.90718016, 12.57776697, 53.33333333]

Get nodal connectivity#

The nodal connectivity maps nodes to connected elements, either using IDs or indexes.

Access the indexes of the connected elements using a node’s index.

node_to_element_connectivity = mesh.node_to_element_connectivity
[4216, 4218, 4219, 4242, 4244, 4245]

Access the IDs of the connected elements using a node’s index.

node_to_element_ids_connectivity = mesh.node_to_element_ids_connectivity
[11, 8, 14, 10, 7, 13]

Each connectivity object has a by_id property that changes the input from index to ID.

Access the indexes of the connected elements using a node’s ID.

node_to_element_connectivity_by_id = mesh.node_to_element_connectivity.by_id
[4216, 4218, 4219, 4242, 4244, 4245]

Access the IDs of the connected elements using a node’s ID.

node_to_element_ids_connectivity_by_id = mesh.node_to_element_ids_connectivity.by_id
[11, 8, 14, 10, 7, 13]

Split global mesh into mesh parts#

You can split the global mesh according to mesh properties to work on specific parts of the mesh.

meshes = simulation.split_mesh_by_properties(
    properties=[elemental_properties.material, elemental_properties.element_shape]

A Meshes object obtained.

DPF  Meshes Container
  with 14 mesh(es)
  defined on labels: elshape mat

  - mesh 0 {mat:  1, elshape:  1, } with 6673 nodes and 3517 elements.
  - mesh 1 {mat:  9, elshape:  0, } with 189 nodes and 55 elements.
  - mesh 2 {mat:  10, elshape:  0, } with 189 nodes and 55 elements.
  - mesh 3 {mat:  5, elshape:  0, } with 842 nodes and 319 elements.
  - mesh 4 {mat:  6, elshape:  0, } with 842 nodes and 319 elements.
  - mesh 5 {mat:  7, elshape:  0, } with 676 nodes and 306 elements.
  - mesh 6 {mat:  4, elshape:  1, } with 503 nodes and 72 elements.
  - mesh 7 {mat:  8, elshape:  0, } with 676 nodes and 306 elements.
  - mesh 8 {mat:  2, elshape:  1, } with 2107 nodes and 345 elements.
  - mesh 9 {mat:  3, elshape:  1, } with 658 nodes and 302 elements.
  - mesh 10 {mat:  11, elshape:  0, } with 176 nodes and 56 elements.
  - mesh 11 {mat:  16, elshape:  0, } with 97 nodes and 23 elements.
  - mesh 12 {mat:  12, elshape:  0, } with 176 nodes and 56 elements.
  - mesh 13 {mat:  16, elshape:  3, } with 1 nodes and 1 elements.

Plot a Meshes object to plot a combination of all Mesh objects within the split mesh.

meshes.plot(text="Mesh split")
05 mesh exploration

Select a specific ``Mesh``object in the split mesh by index.

meshes[0].plot(text="First mesh in the split mesh")
05 mesh exploration

Split the global mesh and select meshes based on specific property values.

meshes_filtered = simulation.split_mesh_by_properties(
        elemental_properties.material: [2, 3, 4],
        elemental_properties.element_shape: 1,
meshes_filtered.plot(text="Mesh split and filtered")
05 mesh exploration

Select a mesh object with a unique combination of property values.

meshes[{"mat": 5, "elshape": 0}].plot(text="Mesh for mat=5 and elshape=0")
05 mesh exploration

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 40.981 seconds)

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